Digital and design blog
Welcome to the Scribble blog. Here, you’ll find valuable insights and tips on a variety of topics related to graphic design, digital marketing, and small business. Whether you’re a designer looking for inspiration, a marketer looking for new strategies, or a small business owner looking for ways to grow your brand, i’ve got you covered.
ChatGPT and the Graphic Design Industry: Will AI Take Over the Design World?
As AI technology continues to advance, there's been a lot of talk about how it will...
Resume Don’ts: Common Design Mistakes to Avoid When Job Hunting
When it comes to creating a resume, there are a few design faux pas that can make...
Customers hate change: The Spotify Logo Saga
You’ve probably been told that people hate change. Recently, music streaming service...
3 more reasons to avoid designing in Word
Last week I talked about why Microsoft Word is not a design program. A few days ago,...
Google’s new logo makes me hungry for cookies
The colourful letters of the Google logo have changed their look again, but this time...
The #1 Secret of Graphic Design in Microsoft Word
There’s no point keeping you in suspense. The top secret trick to getting the best...
How often should I send my email marketing messages?
After the recent post encouraging small business owners to try out online mailing...
The (true) psychology of colour in social media and marketing
In this post, I take a look at how graphic designers can use colours effectively...
2 literally magical approaches to SEO – can you guess which one is wrong?
Mindlessly surfing the internet can lead to some interesting places. Anyone...
6 ways to increase your social media engagement
As a designer, I tend to pay inordinate attention to the little creative details of...
Why did my email end up in the junk mail? A guide to spam filters
You’ve worked hard to build a subscriber list with interested readers and potential...
4 leading email marketing options (with FREE trials)
Doing email marketing campaigns properly involves assessing whether your messages...
Small Business
Graphic Design Agency vs. Freelancer: Which is Right for Your Small Business?
When it comes to creating visual content for your small business, unless you have...
The overlooked secret to cutting your outsourcing costs
The idea of paying someone else to handle your affairs can be a scary thing for small...
Are business cards still relevant in the digital age?
With business taking place in an ever-more digital world, many small business owners...
How the craziest picture book you’ll never read can improve your business
Pictures books are generally targeted at children, with friendly text and...
4 leading email marketing options (with FREE trials)
Doing email marketing campaigns properly involves assessing whether your messages...
Your business website: an essential (and tax-deductible) investment
SMEs can survive with a basic website on a single domain, but here’s why your...
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